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An amazing portfolio is crucial to selling creative services: if your potential clients can't be sure that you've already done work that meets their standards, it's hard for them to tell if you'll be able to handle such work in the future. The same holds true for landing speaking gigs. While a speaker's reel —
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The WordPress directory has 50k+ free plugins that were developed so you can extend a WordPress website with functions and features far beyond your imagination. Additional thousands of WordPress plugins are available from various marketplaces. No matter how much you might have a need for a specialized plugin or two, would you really want to
There is certainly no shortage of excellent WordPress themes you can select from to help you create an engaging and high performing website. Finding the best one for the job would most certainly be a challenge as there are literally thousands of great WordPress themes available plus you’ll have to define just what the makeup
A feature-rich WordPress theme that offers “unlimited flexibility” may still not be able to handle certain demands you place upon it. You may have to accept the fact your need or needs will go unfulfilled, try to resolve the problem yourself through coding (or place it in the hands of a developer), or look for
What you can incorporate in a website design can have a definite impact on its performance and by extension on your business. What you are actually able to incorporate into that same website design depends heavily on the WordPress theme you choose. When you are in the process of selecting a WordPress theme you quite
It’s a New Year, but one thing hasn’t changed. The number of web design resources and tools just keeps on increasing. That’s a good thing. But it does make it that much more difficult to find a theme, plugin, or resource you really have a need for if you are to stay abreast of or
What You'll Be Creating Howl’s Moving Castle is renowned for its enchanting visuals and all those whimsical details that make up the Ghibli aesthetic. In the following tutorial, we’ll jump into Adobe Illustrator and learn to create a text effect inspired by Studio Ghibli's art style. Let’s dive in and get some Miyazaki inspiration in